I sailed Fathom down to Sydney Harbour from Pittwater at the end of March after waiting a couple of weeks for a decent forecast. Despite being only about 25 miles from Barrenjoey Head at Pittwater to the entrance of the harbour I didn’t want to be bashing into big swell and headwinds for the first sail post refit. My patience was rewarded with a gentle sail south in 10 knots of breeze from the north west. It felt great to be on the move again after so long on the mooring. Seeing the Opera House and Harbour Bridge come into view as Bradleys Head was passed on the north shore of the harbour was quite a moment and one that stands out as a bit of a landmark of the voyage. The breeze gave up close to the Botanical Gardens so sails were dropped and Fathom drifted past the Opera House and under the Harbour Bridge with the last of the flood tide as I stood on the bow trying to take photos remotely with the GoPro. I later found out that the maritime police don’t allow drifting under the Bridge and constantly monitor the area and issue fines so I got away with that one.
A good anchorage was found at Blackwattle Bay which is nice and central alongside the Anzac Bridge and Sydney Fish market and only a ten minute walk to Darling Harbour. As the sun set that first evening it was quite a sight looking at Fathom swinging at anchor in front of the city nightscape. I stayed for a few days while waiting for some south winds and over the weekend the anchorage became crowded with locals. On the Saturday evening the wind piped up just after sunset and a couple of yachts began dragging while their Owners were enjoying dinner ashore completely unaware. Fenders at the ready but thankfully no boats got hit. Great to catch up with some friends and family while in the city and to be a tourist for a while.
I couldn’t resist a few more cheesy photos in front of the Opera House before an uneventful sail back to Pittwater on Easter Sunday where I anchored at Towlers Bay for the night for a BBQ with some local cruising friends. The next morning the windlass was having a great deal of trouble hauling the anchor up which is unusual and investigation showed that all the oil in the gearbox had leaked out of a small crack in the plastic sight glass. That’s not good, the previous one cracked too. The whole episode was an excuse to take the windlass apart for a thorough overhaul and service. Gearbox oil replaced and the sightglass glued together as a temporary measure, another D’Arcy bodge, before a new one arrives from the UK. All that remained before leaving Pittwater for good to head up the coast was a final trip to the chandlery and a large provision at the supermarket. Over the last weeks I had made so many trips to that chandlery that I was on first name terms with all the staff and was probably responsible for giving them a record month of sales. No wonder they were so friendly! Thanks to local sailor Shane for allowing me to fill up his Ute with about 6 months worth of food reserves thus avoiding the need for several bus rides. It was hard to find somewhere to sleep in the cabin that night though.